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Saturday, 2 August 2008

Rupert on Ron..and DH.

"Each film is a little different. Ron is more certain of himself here. He plays Quidditch, has a girlfriend...Some cool [new additions.] We filmed our scenes with Jessie Cave (Lavendar Brown) some weeks ago, notably the kissing scene. Without rehersals, actually: We just went for it! It was a bit intimidating since it is before a Quidditch match and so it was in front of plenty of people! It was embarrasing at first, we were both nervous but we [got used to it] and it went well... The couple Ron/Hermione, I was expecting a little while reading the seventh novel. But it's true that when we are confronted with this scene, it will be rather strange to film. We have a very fraternal relationship, so it will be bizarre. But we will do it, don't worry! (laughs)"

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