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Thursday, 7 July 2011

HP experience

London - Thousands of die-hard Harry Potter fans from across the world braved the London rain Thursday to witness the world premiere of the final film in the eight-part series.
Hours before Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two was set to be launched at a cinema in central London later Thursday, crowds gathered along the red carpet in Trafalgar Square.
'I have loved Harry Potter since the first book came out and it's the end of an era. I want to be here to experience it because it has been a part of our childhood,' said 16-year-old Idun Anduik, who travelled from Bergen in Norway.
'It's really sad. I wish there were more books and more movies,' added her friend, Marie Ones.
'It's kind of the end of our childhood,' said Georgia Giles, 19, from Liverpool. Layne Ahlstrom, 15, who travelled from California, said: 'I will forever love Harry Potter.'
Most of all, those gathered along the red carpet in front of London's National Gallery hope to catch a glimpse of Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint, the former child stars who launched the record-breaking movie series in 2001.
Watson, now 21, said playing Harry's friend Hermione Granger in the films had changed her life.
'Hermione's been like my sister. She feels so real to me,' she told journalists. 'I will miss being her. She has pushed me and made me a better person.'
However, actor Ralph Fiennes, who plays the evil Voldemort, said he could not wait to take off his robes.
'It was an irritating costume to wear - it was too long and sometimes I would trip over,' revealed the Oscar-winning actor.
The films, based on the seven-sequel book series, have made the young actors, and Harry Potter author JK Rowling, multi-millionaires.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which was split into two parts for the screen version, is due to go on general release on July 15.

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