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Thursday, 9 July 2009

Press confe. tweets

Emma on seven: I feel like I am on a different film
On Jo: Felton: She was very complemtary about the whole film
Dan: she has always been very good know at letting go of the films.. She has not been too precious about anything
Rupert on david's patience, a very good thing to have when you're working with me and dan
Bonnie: going to film school in September (in London)
Emma: I think the media found it confusing as to why I wanted to go to university
Emma: Hermione is such a control freak. She just falls apart in this one. She's just a wreck because she can't control the way that she feels
Dan - saw clip first film and said 'ugh why did they cast me' and Mike Newell boomed back BECAUSE YOU WERE ABSOLUTELY BLOODY CHARMING
Emma: I find it easier to watch the earlier films.. I had the whole bushy hair, chipmunk face look which wasn't great for me

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