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Monday, 14 April 2008

100 most powerful people in British culture!


The Telegraph has a new feature online this evening, listing the 100 Most Powerful People in British Culture. The paper selected this list of individuals based on their contribution and influence of the arts in Britain, noting this list ‘shows the depth of talent and level of commitment to the arts in this country and reflects its importance in our national life.’ Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling was placed at number fourteen on the list. The newspaper says this of Jo, and of her influence of the arts in Britain:

14) J.K. Rowling, 42, author. Harry Potter brought her fame and fortune, and she in turn has given a break to the British film industry, by insisting the films of her books be shot in Britain with an all-British cast. Has said: ‘I never wanted [fame] and I never expected it and certainly didn’t work for it, and I see it as something that I have to get through, really.’

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