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Friday, 26 October 2007

update fantastic..just in abt HBP filming at Slughorn's hse...

UPDATE: WE have a second report now from TLC reader Ettie who confirms that filming tonight was indeed of the scene at Slughorn’s home in “Budleigh Babberton,” where Dumbledore (Michael Gambon) and Harry (Dan Radcliffe) persuade the former Potionsmaster to return to Hogwarts to teach. Ettie writes that “the part I saw was the walk to, and entry into the house.

They did about 6 takes. When I left they were shooting them leaving the house, and you could hear Slughorn’s voice agreeing to take the job and demanding a pay rise. Inside the doorway I could see a white staircase and light blue walls. Michael Gambon was really nice and took a moment to walk over and speak to some of the children and parents watching the set. He asked if everyone was cold and said he was freezing.

He/Dan was wearing the gray robes he has worn before in other Potter films. Daniel was wearing trainers, T shirt and jacket.”

UPDATE 3: Even more tonight from reader Georgie who stuck around long enough to watch another scene being filmed, and reports that Michael Gambon has a green cast of sorts on his hand so they can later add in the visual effects for Dumbledore’s withered hand (two new photos she snapped, including one of Dumbledore’s double here and here). Georgie writes:

“At about 12.30am, when there were maybe only 10 or 15 people left, including me and my sister, one guard told all of us we could all go down and see the set! We were all excited but thought that filming had finished and that we were just looking at the location.

We sat down about 10 metres from the entrance to the house I previously told you about, where all of the filming was happening. I saw the doubles for both harry and dumbledore (complete with plastic beard protector!), who helped the crew block out the scenes before the actual cast arrived. There is a picture of the DD double attached. It was all pretty intresting, but then I suddenly saw Daniel Radcliffe and Michael Gambon (in FANTASTIC dumbledore costume) walking towards the set! They actually filmed a scene in front of us! All the kids in our group were given lollipops so that ‘when we say ‘action’, you keep quiet!’ everyone was really lovely and friendly to us.

100% sure it is Slughorn’s house, the scene we watched involved Harry and Dumbledore basically walking through the garden gate together. The moonlight simulater was brilliant and there were smoke generators which finished the whole atmosphere off perfectly.” Thank you Georgie!

thnx to theLeaky and all potter fans who reported...

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